Spring Gift Tour 5' Tappa

Siamo ormai alle battute finali con lo Spring Gift Tour, simpatica iniziativa ideata da Reading with Love,Message in a BottleFlightbookBon Book e Parole di Carta.

La domanda di questa tappa, ospitata da Flightbook, è: 
Secondo voi, qual è la citazione/scena di un libro più bella sulla pioggia?

La scena che mi è subito baluginata in mente, dopo aver letto la domanda, è tratta da The Coincidence of Callie & Kayden di Jessica Sorensen. Eccola qui:
As I try to figure out a way to get us back to the dorms without getting drenched, she says something about dancing in the rain being on her list and then she takes off into the rainstorm.
I'm stunned as she sprints down the sidewalk, splashing in the puddles with her hands out to the side like its one of the best moments of her life.
She slows down when she reaches the street to check for cars and I catch up with her, panting loudly.
"Are you crazy?" I ask as beads of water fly everywhere. Its fucking colder than hell out here. She jumps back, startled as rain streams down her body and her hair sticks to her cheeks and neck. "I didn't know you followed me. You didn't have to."
I lace my fingers through hers and we jog across the street, water soaking our clothes and dripping in our hair. I hold my arm above her head, protecting her from as much rain as possible. Cars zip up and down the street as we sprint up the sidewalk toward my dorm building. When we reach the trees in front of it, I guide her toward the side entrance, but she slips her hand from mine and jumps out from under the trees into the downpour of the rain.
"Callie, what the hell are you doing?" I call out as icy raindrops shower from the branches and down the back of my neck and face. She closes her eyes and spreads her arms out to the side of her, tipping her head back as she spins in circles, and her wet clothes cling to her body. Rain pours down on her face and drips from her hair, which has slipped loose and hangs down her back. Her jacket falls from her shoulders and the water cascades down the bare skin of her arms.
I inch forward, unable to take my eyes off her. The way she moves, the way the rain covers her body- I'm enthralled by it. Ducking my head, I step out from the shelter of the tree and into the rain with her. I don't understand it, but I need to be near her. I've never felt this way before and its exhilarating and fucking terrifying because I've never needed anything from anyone.
I stop in front of her in the middle of the muddy grass and her eyelids lift open, her lashes fluttering against the raindrops. She starts to raise her head up, but I cup her face in between my hands, holding her in place. I tip my head forward and bring my mouth to hers. Sucking the rain from her bottom lip, I taste her slowly, feeling the warmth of her breath against my mouth.

Conoscevate The Coincidence of C&K? Qual è la vostra scena preferita sulla pioggia? :D

4 commenti:

  1. Ah io ho adorato questa scena. E' senza dubbio una delle mie preferite. Anche quella in cui lui la fa arrampicare per stare solo con lei e baciarla *__*

    1. Questo libro è stupendo! Il modo in cui descrive i sentimenti di entrambi è... WOW.

  2. Ma che carino il tema di questa tappa! *__* E la scena che hai scelto mi piace, anche se non ho letto il libro. Credo proprio che ci farò un pensierino :)

    1. Il tema di questa tappa è stato davvero difficile! xD
      Sono contenta di averti un pò incuriosita non il libro perché merita davvero! :D


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